The Mobius Strip by Romik Safarian

D13_Romik109 in the bleak December
So basically I fell in love with the characteristic elements of Art Nouveau, from decorative plant motifs to the gothic flow of elongated forms. The dominance of line design plagues and inspires, particularly with the late 19th century works of Clarke, Beardsley and Mucha. I tried to honor the patterns with my own twist. Cheers

D14_Romik110 romiksafarian

Fadeaway_Romik108 Fade Away

alias2_Romik74 John The Dragon

anotherday_Romik92 Come back another day

doodles16_Romik117 romiksafarian

doodles15_Romik115 Wicked Blue

doodles2_Romik82 romiksafarian

doodles5_Romik87 romiksafarian

doodles6_Romik88 romiksafarian

doodles4_Romik86 romiksafarian

doodles7_Romik89 the Stranger

exit_Romik102 exit


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