The Mobius Strip by Romik Safarian

SCALA_Romik27_first-tree2 I call it.. SCALA
So basically I fell in love with the characteristic elements of Art Nouveau, from decorative plant motifs to the gothic flow of elongated forms. The dominance of line design plagues and inspires, particularly with the late 19th century works of Clarke, Beardsley and Mucha. I tried to honor the patterns with my own twist. Cheers

PM5_Romik112 more for The Sasquatchian crew

SCALA_Romik281 romiksafarian

SCALA_Romik29_Horsemen2 four beasts ride on pale, black, red, and white

SCALA_Romik30_seasons2 the seasons of SCALA

SCALA_Romik33_seven-lost SCALA _ Sins of seven

SCALA_Romik38 3 to complete_ 7 virtues of SCALA

TheLastUnicorn1_Romik You Schmendrick, you

TheLastUnicorn2_Romik Captain Cully and the Funky Bunch

TheLastUnicorn3_Romik Galls and Fire Blight

TheLastUnicorn4_Romik Did You Hear That, Mabruk

TheLastUnicorn58_ROMIK Walking Man_s Road

thethirdeyeofprincesspurpledoodle_Romik94 romiksafarian


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