The Mobius Strip by Romik Safarian

InkOddity2_Romik96 Ink Oddity part 2
So basically I fell in love with the characteristic elements of Art Nouveau, from decorative plant motifs to the gothic flow of elongated forms. The dominance of line design plagues and inspires, particularly with the late 19th century works of Clarke, Beardsley and Mucha. I tried to honor the patterns with my own twist. Cheers

InkOddity1_Romik95 And so I begin my Ink Oddity

InkOddity3_Romik97 Ink Oddity part 3

InkOddity4_Romik98 Ink Oddity part 4

Inyourroom_Romik103 In Your Room

InkOddity5_Romik99 Ink Oddity part 5

LilithRose_Romik91 A Return To Lilith Rose

Onceuponatime_Romik101 Once upon a time

PM4_Romik111 The Sasquatchians

PM_Romik104 Mr. Booth & Company

PM_Romik105 Dr. Astaire and friends

PM_Romik106 House of Romanov


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